Happy Healthy Wednesday,As a Whole Person Doctor one of the most common statements I hear is " My Back Hurts…
The language of our deepest feelings, our instincts, and how we experience emotion often involves the Gut.We have all heard…
Yesterday our community had a power outage that lasted almost 18 hours. I had no internet, TV, etc. It was…
It's Wednesday, The last two / three weeks seem to have been a very challenging time for a lot of…
There has been a lot of chat on Facebook and other social forums about the effects of the nuclear fallout…
If you having a tough day, listen and watch the wonderful video. It is my new inspirational song. Ignite your…
GIVE YOUR PARTNER THE BEST GIFT EVER.DR PIA MARTIN DC. CCNwww.cre8wellness.com I feel like the most loved wife on the…
Finding your why power!Dr Pia Martin DC. CCNwww.cre8wellness.com The newspapers, magazines and the Internet are full of information on making…
Purification Program Weight Loss and Increased Vitality Guaranteed in 21 Days!.WHAT IS PURIFICATION? Purification is merely the internal cleansing and detoxification…
It's Wednesday!.Today I wanted to talk about Joy and Happiness. We hear a lot about Joy and Gratitude during the…
Happy Wellness Wednesday!I have struggled with what to share with you this week. Why? Who wants to hear from a…
Not so. Here, the myth is that the tryptophan in turkey causes the drowsiness. This amino acid is known to…