Dr. Pia Nutritionist

All too often it is the practitioner who gets all the information about the patient, and the patient gets very little information about the practitioner and their practice. I would like to change that.

Hi I am Pia Martin. I was born in London, England, and raised in Australia and currently reside in Austin TX. y’all. I graduated from Parker University in Dallas with two BAs, one in Anatomy and the other in Health and Wellness, and a Doctorate in Chiropractic.

In addition, I hold two Certifications, one in Clinical Nutrition and the other in Wellness Coaching. I have also had years of Functional Medicine and Nutritional training along the way. I am also a Speaker, Best Selling Author and have a writer of a Natural Health Newsletter called “Take the Doctor Home”.

I am also blessed that I get to share and provide education about what I have learned along the way to other practitioners via a Monthly Membership Programs, Retreats and Webinars.

I am incredibly lucky to be married to the love of my life and best friend, Charlie. I am a longtime Yogi, and have practiced almost daily for many many years. I also enjoy green food,  nature walks, white cloth napkins, and love all things fashion and music.

I understand first hand the spectrum many people are on between “just getting by” and thriving. My path to a career as a Health and Wellness Practitioner began in my early 20s. I was suffering from emotional burnout due to a challenging childhood, and a high stress, high demand business life. A chance encounter at a coffee shop led me to study Yoga and Meditation. It is through my daily practice that I discovered the healing power of whole food, regular exercise, breath-work  and meditation.

After a successful business career and the encouragement of my husband, I knew I wanted to make a complete career transition from a business executive to a health and wellness professional. I knew that I wanted to share my knowledge and passion for health and wellness with others.

The uncontested choice for me was to become a whole person functional medicine doctor. I knew that I wanted to integrate what I had learned into a unique system combines the use of ancient wisdom and modern technology to provide you and your family with great health and wellness care.

I am now doing what I believe I was supposed to do all along. Sometimes the passions of our youth come back to surprise us later. Reconnecting with those earlier interests was the key to finding my purpose.

I have chosen to devote my life to the healing arts because for me there is no greater joy than helping others have a happy, healthy, and more vibrant life. I continue to study with a curiosity that allows me to grow, evolve, and bring you the very best healthcare available today.

I am blessed, as there are no accidents in life. This is what I was meant to do! I promise to always have your best interests at heart and to give you 100% of my attention, abilities, and focus in a loving and sincere way. I know that you will want to share your experience with others and it is my promise that if I feel I cannot help I will make the best possible recommendation to someone who can.

My best and Namaste

“Wellness is small and consistent choices that we make each and every day to encourage the growth of the mind, the body, and the spirit.”

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Your Guide to Strong Immunity, More Resilience & Less Stress

Dr. Pia Martin

The 10 Foundational Steps to a Healthier Gut and Glow!!  This provides you with- simple science driven, natural medicine solutions and tools, so you learn what to do and how to:

  • Nourish Your Gut Microbiome
  • Avoid Gut irritants
  • Prevent Disease
  • Tips on Mindful Eating
  • Stress Less and Calm Skin Flares
  • Raise the Quality of your Health
  • And Much, Much More...


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