EMOTIONAL FLEXIBILITY IS KEY TO A HEALTHY GUT “Success is not measured in your bank account, it’s measured in your…
How to Evaluate your WHOLE Health! Here we are almost to August and we are in the last half of…
"From Frazzled to Focused: How to Conquer Stress" It's been a week hasn't it? So many potential stressors: The crazy…
NEW RESEARCH: NEUROPOD CELLS AND GLP-1 I am on the Gut-Brain/Metabolic/Stress Train again this week. Why? Because here is some…
How your Gallbladder affects your Blood Sugar? If you can't digest fat well you will have trouble stabilizing your blood…
Lessons in Chemistry When we don't feel good, we have a lesson to learn about our own Chemistry. It could…
Stress + Everything Holiday = Stuck Digestion When we are under stress whether it be emotional, nutritional, or due to…
How our emotions affect our skin! I have been thinking a lot this week about emotions and how they affect…
This Key Mineral : Not Trendy But Important! Calcium is a key metabolic marker on blood tests and it is…
Struggling with Anxiousness or Low Mood? It could be that you are on the Stress (too much) High and Low…