Want A Fresh Start? Hit Reset with our P21 Program

Has Summer fun been rough on your body? If so then it is time to get a clean slate, a fresh start and hit the Reset Button with our P21 program. 

I don’t know about you but my body is telling me that even with my clean eating and daily yoga practice that I have been exposed to more than my fair share of toxins lately. The traveling by plane, the not sleeping in my own bed and eating out (who knows what mystery things are sprinkled on food even if we make good choices… think MSG) have me feeling less than optimal, so I am planning to hit reset tomorrow.

Toxins are everywhere, they are in our food, our water, the air we breathe etc.  We are exposed to a whopping 80,000 known chemicals daily.  For your body to truly thrive we need to  Reset from time to time.

That is where our P21 program comes in.

  • If you want to break cravings
  • Jump start weight loss
  • Increase your energy levels
  • Start living at your Highest potential
  • Maximize your health and hormones


This program is designed to help you learn how to live a healthier life, by cleansing not only the colon but also detoxifying other vital organs like the liver, the kidneys, the lungs and the skin.

Whole food, and supportive supplements help you purify your body from the inside out. Our P21 program teaches you how to nurture your body and provide it with the nutrients it needs to remove toxins, repair and rejuvenate.

You will lose weight; you will feel light; all those aches and pains will be gone; your skin will glow; your eyes will sparkle with vitality; your sugar cravings will be diminished if not gone; your energy will skyrocket, and your whole attitude will be that of positivity, and you will know how to maintain those feelings of total well-being forever!

I believe that given the proper nutrition your body has the amazing capability for healing.

Food in the right combination is medicine to the body.

We include a 64 page guide with meals plans, recipes, shopping lists and answers to all your burning questions.  There is also an experience journal, a food sensitivity guide and the best way maintain great health post P21.

We also provide daily email support and all the supplements you need to complete the program successfully.

For a limited time we are offering a 10% discount to encourage you to get started on living your best life. Save almost 30.00.  The discounted price is 267.00.

Are you ready? Then please text me at 214 8696404, or make an appointment before August 4th.

Join us… we have done hundreds of purification programs with 100% success rate. Kick the rest of the year into high gear so you can live at your highest potential.

Have a happy healthy week.

Dr Pia