Andrew is a patient of mine who has been struggling with weight gain despite being a Triathlete. He has been basically carbo loading to the max, and hence has slowly been putting on weight over the last fews years. Andrew came to me for help. We reworked his diet and Andrew has lost an impressive 11lbs so far. He is also feeling a lot better health-wise. Andrew is the CEO and what works for him is to take the information that we discussed and put it into simple keys that he can review easily everyday to help keep him on track. I have attached Andrew’s top ten as they might be helpful for you too!
11. Hydrate
Drink more than 2 liters of water (8 glasses) and 2 cups of coffee or less. No soft drink.
22. Eat Fresh
Eat 5 cups of Vegetables and 3 cups of Fruit. Eat nutrient dense whole foods, Organic Foods. No simple carbohydrates such as bread, rice and pasta.
33. Supplement
Overcome some of the vitamin and mineral deficiencies – Take Omega 3 for cardio, B Vitamins for energy and sugar balance, Magnesium Lactate for muscle relaxation and Multi-Vitamins for energy.
44. Top Ten Vegetables
Spinach, Greens, Carrots, Peas, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Asparagus, Tomatoes, Capsicum, Sweet Potatoes and Zucchini.
55. Top Ten Fruits
Berries, Apples, Pears, Grapes, Bananas, Orange, Avocado, Grapefruit, Peaches, Plums and Pineapples.
66. Breakfast
Eat more fiber and protein. Eat Oatmeal with fruit and nuts. Eat Yoghurt. Eat more before a long bike ride.
77. Lunch
Eat Salad and Fruit. Eat protein – eggs, fish, chicken in small quantities (125g)
88. Snacks
Eat nuts or fruit during the morning and afternoon. Small quantities – piece of fruit or ½ cup of nuts such almonds.
99. Dinner
Eat Vegetables and protein (small quantities – 125g). Eat a good base of green vegetables.
110. 80/20 Rule
Be good 80% of the time. Enjoy a meal off. Maximum 1 day off – try and make it all in one day. Notice the impact.