Happy Magnesium Weekend!

Time to relax a little. 😀. I know I am just being Funny.  Happy Memorial Weekend!

It is just me or did the first first half of the year just fly by?

It has been a fun week! First, gathering for the first time live and in person with other Natural Functional Medicine Doctors in Austin, to preparing for and doing two presentations back to back!  So much Fun!

In both presentations I spoke about the importance of Magnesium and how many of us do not get enough of this important mineral.  It contributes to over 300 enzymatic functions in the body so it is Safe to say that getting enough magnesium is non-negotiable.

Magnesium is near the top of the list of crucial nutrients. It is the fourth most plentiful mineral in the human body, and it helps with things like your heartbeat, sleep cycles, muscle contraction, energy production, immune function, hormone balance and so much more. When you dig into the research, the benefits seem endless.

The thing is, over 50% of the population in the U.S. isn’t getting enough magnesium in their diets, not even enough to meet the questionably low recommended daily allowance (RDA).

Modern farming practices have depleted our soil of nutrients, and many of our foods don’t have as much magnesium in them as they did a few generations ago. To compound the issue, the rising prevalence of digestive disorders like celiac disease or Crohn’s means many people cannot absorb nutrients very efficiently, either.

In other words, if you’re trying to stay as healthy as possible, it’s a good idea to make sure you’re prioritizing that magnesium.

What Are Some of The Benefits ?

  • Stress relief and HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) axis (a vital hormone and nervous system communication network) function
  • Improves PMS Symptoms, Lessen Menstrual cramps and migraine headaches
  • Support Thyroid function
  • Improves sleep
  • Helpful as part of an eclampsia and preeclampsia regimen in pregnancy
  • Relieve Constipation and Improves Indigestion
  • Helps dampen Perimenopause and menopause symptoms
  • Supports Bone health along with calcium and phosphorus
  • Helps with Mood issues 
  • Improves Insulin sensitivity
  • Reduces Blood Pressure and is a muscle relaxer for the Heart muscle

Magnesium is in every cell in the human body. It’s required for DNA and RNA synthesis, reproduction, and also for protein synthesis.

When your dietary intake of magnesium is on the low side, as it is for approximately half the United States population, certain chronic diseases are more likely to develop. Researchers have linked diabetes, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), insulin resistance, and hypertension to low levels of magnesium.

Here  are the ways magnesium works to help keep you healthy.

Magnesium for Calming and Sleep

The HPA (hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal) axis keeps hormones and your nervous system communicating smoothly, which helps regulate hormones. Magnesium works to generally calm the nervous system and reduce anxiety and stress. A recent review of 18 studies showed that supplementation reduced self-reported levels of anxiety.Many people  also find that taking it regularly at bedtime may help improve the quality of their sleep.  Insomnia or restless sleep could be a key indicator of magnesium deficiency.

How Magnesium Improves Hormones

In one study, participants were able to reduce premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms using magnesium supplementation along with B6.

Also — magnesium helps your liver process estrogen more efficiently, which is crucial for both men and women.

Keep in mind that by the time I’m prescribing a medication or suggesting supplements for my patients, I’ve already done exams, run labs, and reviewed their complete health history. When you’re starting something new, always run your plans by your doctor.

Magnesium in Pregnancy is Important

Magnesium is essential for fetal development and the growth of new tissues, including bone and teeth. It is also necessary for nerve function and muscle contraction.

Sometimes pregnant women develop issues with their blood pressure, referred to as preeclampsia. When the condition worsens, it can lead to eclampsia, which means the mother develops seizures.

Preeclampsia and eclampsia are extremely serious. Follow your doctor’s guidance the whole way through, and ask your doctor if you want to incorporate magnesium.

Magnesium Relieves Constipation

Specific forms of magnesium are considered laxatives due to their effect on the muscles within the digestive tract. Magnesium also pulls water into the bowels, helping things to get moving easier.

 Magnesium Lowers Blood Pressure

Another compelling benefit is its effect on blood pressure.

Because it can relax muscles, even vascular smooth muscles, especially in people who have high blood pressure, magnesium may lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure.

How Much Should I Get Every Day?

The recommended daily allowance for adults for  is about 300-400mg.

It’s important to note that many scientists consider the RDA for magnesium to be somewhat low, especially if you’re dealing with an existing deficiency.

I like this formula : E-Z Mg is a plant-based, multiform organic magnesium (Mg) supplement developed to support patients with inadequate dietary  intake.* If you are deficient then you would start with 6 a day.

I also am a big fan of Magnesium Lactate: With this product I would start with 2-3 a day and monitor the results.

Magnesium Lactate Bottle

What Are The Best Whole Food Sources of Magnesium?

While I am a proponent of food first and supplements second, it’s important to note that according to the Linus Pauling Institute, “Magnesium is considered a shortfall nutrient in the diet, meaning that it is under consumed by eating the typical American diet.” This is why some people benefit from a supplement and all of us benefit from focusing on incorporating magnesium rich foods in our diet.

This critical nutrient in so many delicious foods. It makes it easy to get in those 300+mg per day!

Some of my favorite, whole foods that contain magnesium include: Leafy Greens, Broccoli, Avocado, Black Beans, Atlantic Salmon, Nuts, and Seeds are at the top of the list for many essential minerals, and magnesium is no exception.

Can I Tell If I’m Deficient In Magnesium?

Some of the more common signs you have low levels  might include:

  • Fatigue
  • Eye twitch
  • Muscle cramps
  • Muscle weakness
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Leg cramps
  • Neck and back pain
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • PMS
  • Constipation
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Poor memory
  • Diabetes
  • Insulin resistance
  • Osteoporosis

Magnesium Safety

Magnesium is generally considered safe. If you have diabetes, heart disease, or kidney disease, consult with your doctor before taking extra supplementation

Also, if you’re taking any of the following medications, magnesium could interfere with them:

  • Antibiotics
  • High blood pressure medication
  • Muscle relaxers
  • Spironolactone or other potassium-sparing diuretics

Magnesium For Optimal Health

A lot of words I know however it is clear that Magnesium is vital for optimal health.

Aim for a diet rich in magnesium and consider a supplement if you’re having difficulty meeting your needs with nutrition.

I hope this information has been helpful and I hope that you have a wonderful and relaxing long weekend.

As always I am available for Consults : 214 8696404