It’s Wednesday!.
Today I wanted to talk about Joy and Happiness. We hear a lot about Joy and Gratitude during the Holiday season through song ” Joy to the World” etc through greetings ” Happy Holidays” and untold marketing messages, however many of us are still not feeling Joyful! Happiness is elusive and certainly not a one size fits all fix and therefore it takes a lot of introspection. Happiness is an inside job. I hope that this weeks article will help provide some useful insight into ” What makes YOU happy”
For those of you who have been asking Dr Pia’s Purification Program will begin Jan 6th for those who want to get out the gate early and Jan 13th for those who need more time. This means you will be done by end of January/ Beginning of Feb. For those of you who live out of state we will conduct the program via Skype. Please email me if you want to learn more about this life changing program. THIS THE REAL DEAL. REAL FOOD for REAL PEOPLE. You lose weight, feel absolutely great and the best part it teaches you how!Beginning
Enjoy the article and what makes me happy is that my husband is with me for the holidays and still making me laugh.
Actually it is not just hip to be happy it is our right as stated in the declaration of independence.
The real question though is “ What makes you Happy? Really! It is a serious question and maybe one of the most important questions of your life. Research shows that most of us can’t answer the question correctly because we fall into the Unhappiness Traps.
1. Postponing Happy! “ When I (fill n the blank) “ then I will be happy” This type of trap is connected to what we think success looks like. The truth is NOW is the only time you have to be happy.
2. Spending your life trying to make other people happy. This type of practice makes us unhappy. This idea of happy is often driven by not making our own choices but those of our parents, our peers, our kids etc.
3. Contrast or the Happiness Illusion. For example we could be having an awful day and we run into someone whose day is worse than ours and by contrast we begin to feel better. The opposite would be; that we are feeling good and we are exposed to someone who has a bigger house, more well behaved kids etc and by contrast we feel worse.
Feeling happy releases Dopamine and Serotonin which dial up the learning centers of our brain to higher levels, which means we are able to organize new information, keep it in our brains longer and be able retrieve it faster. Our brains perform best NOT when they are in negative or even neutral but when they are positive.
The reality is that happiness is an inside job and the best way to start feeling happy is to feel gratitude about what you have and all that you are right now; that is where happiness is born.
Perhaps the true meaning of happiness will always remain elusive probably because not is not a one size fits all sort of thing – Yet we can tell you with certainty that Happiness is: a choice!
Happiness is a state of mind and you can choose to be happy!
My Best and HAPPY Holidays!
From my Heart to Yours: Namaste
Dr Pia Martin DC, CCN, CWC, CHC
PH 214 8696404
Ask me about Dr Pia’s Purification Program