I found this big beautiful patch of Lavender while on my Sunday beach walk with my husband and it inspired this weeks blog post. I am continuing to encourage the idea of getting out in nature, eating natural foods and soaking in all the beauty of nature. Lavender essential oil is the most used […]
Have you been hearing a lot about Intermittent Fasting lately and want to know more? Do you want to give it try and are not sure where to start? If so then this article will help you get started and answer some those questions. Fasting is not a new idea and many cultures have used […]
Spring has definitely sprung in our area of the world. Everything seems fresh and renewed. It is also national nutrition month. With that in mind this is a perfect time to Spring Clean our Mind, Body and Spirit. Why we should Spring Clean our Bodies? It’s a polluted world out there, and the dangerous impact […]
It is a beautiful sunny day here in San Diego and as I drove to work it was clear that Spring has Sprung. There were hundreds of Butterflies (I might be being romantic here) or maybe they were Moths. Anyway they were the inspiration for this topic. This year we are predicted to have a […]
Usually at the beginning of March we start thinking about Spring and flowers and fresh starts etc. This year it seems that we have had a long winter with no real signs that is is going to let up for at least a few more weeks. Even here in Sunny San Diego it has been […]
Wellbeing takes personal effort and commitment! I know it is hard to break longstanding habits even when you know they are not serving you. The body remembers old patterns so you have be intentional to build a new foundation.
Providing you with- simple science driven, natural medicine solutions and tools, so you learn what to do and how to:
Nourish Your Gut Microbiome
Avoid Gut irritants
Prevent Disease
Tips on Mindful Eating
Stress Less and Calm Skin Flares
Raise the Quality of your Health
Providing you with- simple science driven, natural medicine solutions and tools, so you learn what to do and how to:
Nourish Your Gut Microbiome
Avoid Gut irritants
Prevent Disease
Tips on Mindful Eating
Stress Less and Calm Skin Flares
Raise the Quality of your Health
And Much, Much More...
And Much, Much More...