A Colorful Diet Can Transform your health:
Did you know that August is National Wellness Month?
Did you know that 76% of Americans gained an average of 16 pounds in the last 4 months ?
Did you know that there are HUGE Benefits to eating a Rainbow Diet which is loaded with Nutrients.
Imagine that in just THREE short weeks from now, you will be able to look back and:
I have been itching to talk about this but I wanted to make sure you were ready to hear me. It’s been a wild ride these past few months and many have been dealing with emotional ups and downs. I think we are all figuring things out as we go along and we have learned a lot about our triggers around food and nourishment.
We have just lived through a huge part of history and it is human nature for us to look for comfort. For many it was with too much Food and Drink and lack of Structure and Movement. So be kind to yourself and join me for our P21 Plus reset.
Second, stressing is not helping you either. Cortisol, the stress hormone that stimulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism also stimulates insulin release. The body is very clever and has a system of hormonal checks that shut down other systems so you can manage acute stress. Therefore stress in all forms – chronic stress or poorly managed stress may very likely lead to elevated cortisol levels that can actually create difficulty losing weight and feeling good.
The Program is based on “The Whole FOOD ADVANTAGE” and a COLORFUL DIET
The August program will include a special bonus.
It will include support for the Adrenal Glands to help modulate the stress response.
CONTACT INFO: text 214 8696404. SAY I’m in for P21 and I will get back to you with the details.
BTW: With a couple of tweaks we can customize the program for you based on your Biology and Health Goals. You can also purchase online if you would like. Lastly you can email me at drpiamartin@gmail.com.
It balances your gut and strengthens your immunity. The microbiome, or trillions of bacteria in and on the body, supports many functions to care about: mood, energy levels, sleep quality, cognitive function, even calorie absorption. The bacteria feed off of plants, specifically their prebiotic fiber. The greater the diversity in plants, and their breadth of bacterial strains, the healthier your GI tract, making a stronger system to beat pathogens and viruses.
It floods your body with phytonutrients. While the macronutrient content of food—carbohydrates, protein, and fat—often get the spotlight, the real nutrition underdogs are phytonutrients. By some accounts, there are over 10,000 bioactive compounds in plants, many still unknown, that are allies in beating chronic diseases, cancers, and inflammation.
The digestive process occurs before your first bite. They start in the mouth and signal the stomach, Gall Bladder, Pancreas and Liver to activate digestive enzymes and bile that will in turn help you properly absorb your food, eliminate it efficiently, and avoid after-dinner puffiness.
Remind yourself that this is a health journey going forward, not a weight-loss journey. Looking at your health is much, much more important than just weight alone. Turning your mindset to becoming healthier is a much better idea. Weight Loss is the result 😀
The power is in your hands to choose so I HOPE you choose health and a Colorful Diet.
have a healthy week and I hope you join us for the P21 Plus Program August 7th. 2020.
Dr Pia