What is The Fertile Ground Event??
Most of you know that I am on a mission to help and support prospective parents with the tools and information they need to Build Health Humans. With that in mind we have created a Free Community Event that will be content rich, with blueprints for success and with lots of giveaways. We also want attendees to have a rich experience that can only truly happen when we all come together in one space sharing and learning from each other. Did I mention that the Event is FREE!!!
Please see the event details below. I Invite you to pass on this information to those who could use OR benefit from this event.
Thanks for supporting on my mission.
Dr Pia
The Fertile Ground Event: Manifesting Your Fertility
How to prepare for pregnancy using our 10 Step Healthy Pregnancy Planner
We will also be reviewing the role of epigenetics, diet, supplements, lifestyle and much much more.
When: Date: April 27th. 2019 From: 9:30 am -11:30 am
Where: Location: 11622 El Camino Real #100. San Diego. CA 92130
This is a FREE EVENT for prospective parents:
Who believe that it is important to plan for pregnancy
Who are a little overwhelmed and fearful and don’t know where to start
Who are struggling to conceive and it’s taken longer than planned
Who have been on birth control for a while and want a smooth transition
Who are highly motivated and want to start building their own Family Manifesto
Why: I want to prospective parents to feel empowered to make conscious and mindful choices so that they can build and bring a happy healthy human into the world.
Each attendee will receive:
- A Free copy of Dr. Pia’s best selling book “Building Healthy Humans”
- A Free Digital Copy – The Ultimate Protein Guide
- Sample the Fertility Smoothie and receive this nutrient rich recipe
- Two attendees will have the opportunity for to take the HOT SEAT and ask your burning questions.
- The 10 step Pregnancy Planner
Seating is limited: Register early! This event will fill up and yes you can bring a partner/ friend
There is nothing more powerful that connection and sharing with others