Supporting your Metabolism as you Age
Metabolism does slow down as we get older. However there are ways to we can mitigate that and sometimes even improve it depending on where you are on your health journey.
These reactions happen in the cells via the mitochondria.
Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouses of the cell. They help turn the energy we take from food into energy that the cell can use. Present in nearly all types of human cell, mitochondria are vital to our survival. They generate the majority of our adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of the cell.
So, in summary:
That is a huge number and it’s often due to these three reasons:
A) raw materials
B) exposure to toxins
C) poor elimination
You Can make lifestyle choices that are Geo-protective and support energy by
As we said earlier, metabolism is a series of chemical reactions that digest food, convert food to energy, and use that energy to move and think. How can you best support these chemical reactions? One simple way is to provide cofactors: vitamins and minerals that drive the chemical reactions.
B vitamins, CoQ10 and Magnesium are the most obvious ones. They are cofactors that are needed in almost every step of the energy pathway.
I like: B6 Niacinamide, Cataplex B, Cataplex B12, EZ mag,
Most of us could also benefit from additional antioxidants as they are required to help take out the trash safely through the detox pathways:
Antioxidants: like Glutathione, Cataplex AC, Cataplexy D, and Cataplex E, and Cellular Vitality which has CoQ10 in the formula.
It could be that you need more Minerals? Zinc, Iron, or Selenium.
You might also need Liver support: Check out last weeks blog.
Supplements: Quality is Key!!! Don’t fall for the Metabolism booster fizzy drinks.
There are certain Lab tests that look at Cellular Health.
I would also get your Hormones checked. There are several tests available and I am happy to discuss with you further. To make an appointment: Click Here:
BTW: Check out the cool pic. It is a photo of the inside of a human cell.
Have a Happy and Healthy week
Dr Pia