Balanced Energy: I want that!

July 13, 2023

Balanced Energy: I want that!

We all want to wake up feeling refreshed and ready to go all day and then slowly sink into a restful night’s sleep.

I know many of you are rolling your eyes… Right Dr Pia, I want that, but I am struggling right now.  I go from Coffee to Wine and hope that I do not crash in the middle around 4.oopm

Are you Tired, Stressed out, Lacking in energy, Suffering from Low mood or are you the opposite Anxious, can’t sit down, scrolling on the phone, always on the go,easily irritable and quick to anger??

You probably have days when you travel between a couple of the above depending on what is happening in your world.

Energy seems to be the topic of the week for most of my clients.  They either are struggling with anger and anxiety and need to calm down or they are feeling flat and suffering from fatigue and need a pick me up.

It’s been a tough few years and we are all in recovery mode. I don’t know about you but I am a little jumpy sometimes and more on guard than I used to be especially when I am driving…. Perhaps my adrenals have taken a hit like ya’ll.

My outlook however is positive and hopeful.  More than ever we are being called to take care of ourselves and our families and friends. The human spirit is amazing and we  can create an environment in which we can thrive.

I love this quote from one of the top yogis in the world.

” Sometimes life needs to fall apart a little so it can be put back together better than before.”  Eddie Stern. 

 The Best most Natural ways to Regulate Your Energy.

Before I dig into that, if you have been struggling for a while with either fatigue or anxiety, then make an appointment with me so I can help you get to bottom of why that is happening. I am here to serve.


As humans we were made to move and we are not doing enough of it. If you suffer from stiffness and muscle soreness you either have a build up of lactic acid or your liver function is low. You have to create energy to have energy. Having said that there is too much of a good think. If that is you maybe you need to focus on a more calming practice.

Most are doing less movement than ever before. Many of us have offices that are  now steps away from our bedroom, bathroom and the kitchen.  So we have to be very intentional that we get up and move every 90 minutes otherwise we move from the office to the couch….and before you know it another day has gone by… Set a timer and get up and walk around the block if you can, do some jumping jacks, wave you areas up and down vigorously if you have trouble with your legs,  high step on the spot…etc etc.

This is a minimum. Aim to do your version of movement at least for 45 minutes a day plus your 90 minute reset during your working hours.  There are tons of apps and resources to support you.  You just need to make a commitment to yourself 😀 and start slow. Start with 5 minutes, then 10, etc etc… and build and never ever stop.

Our Mitochondria reduces with age so we need to continue to build it and create energy by moving often. Movement keeps our joints healthy, helps the body remove trash via the lymph and vascular system, it uses up excess glucose, and provides us with stabillty and strength. Movement also helps us reset and focus our mental energy.


Whole Organic Food provides us with our best options. Foods found in nature and are not processed are easy to digest and absorb. These foods also require less energy and provide the fuel your body needs. If you were going to choose four things to focus on, then I would suggest;

  1. A variety of colorful Veggies and Green Leaves
  2. High Quality Fats, like Avocado, Olive Oil, Nuts and Seeds
  3. Clean sources of Protein
  4. Hydration:  Drink adequate clean filtered water

The goal is to provide the nutrients needed for  repair, recovery and balance blood sugar. Veggies and leaves are also full of minerals that can help support our parasympathetic nervous system and therefore help us keep calm.  The Fats will help us maintain a consistent source of energy, are the precursor to hormonal health and they keep blood sugar more stable. Protein builds muscle and provides essential amino acids required for healthy metabolic health.


Even though I eat well, I like to fill in my nutrient gaps due to diminished quality of our soil affecting our crops and the high stress of our times. Also FYI most “diets” have nutrient gaps.

The following whole nutrients have been shown to help give you a boost and provide balanced energy while you work on my other suggestions:

1. B Vitamins. Most people are deficient in “B’s” Specially B1, B6, B9, and B12. B Vitamins are vital for mitochondrial health and energy pathways.

2.Digestive Support.  If you have a good diet and still feel tired, then it is likely that you are not absorbing what you eat and digestive enzymes and HCL should be considered. If you are constipated or have IBS then toxins are not being eliminated and therefore and being recycled, which  causes a whole host of problems and adding stress to your body.

3. Antioxidants like Glutathione, Vita A,C,D,E or NAC. Add CoQ10 if you are on a Stain Drug.

4. Amino Acids like Protefood

5. Minerals  that most people are deficient (Zinc,Magnesium, Calcium and Iron are the most common  deficiencies) Immunplex for my money covers a lot of the bases as a good all-around product.

6. Omega EPA/DHA is a lovely healthy fat combo that helps with inflammation and brain health.

The quality of what you take is important. If you have a SP account you will find many of the items mentioned above if not then, here is my link to Fullscript, an online dispensary.


Choosing a way of being and living even when challenged is hard and we need to remind ourselves everyday to look for the Joy! Make a list of what brings you Joy and do one thing on the list everyday!

We rarely celebrate the wins yet we always remember the problems or the ” failures”. We all need to work daily on this aspect of health.


The mind and the body need oxygen in order to function.  When we do not get enough oxygen it is called oxidative stress.  It decreases energy, (ATP) and it creates free radicals which is not good and then if the cycle continues it leads to increased inflammation, systemic breakdown, Insulin Resistance, Peripheral neuropathy and so on it goes…

PRANA is Breath-work, the life force. PRANA is long slow deep intentional breathing.

There is more … I always start these emails saying to myself that I will keep it short… haha and then I start writing and I keep going and keep going .. always wanting to make sure I give you all the tools. Here is my breathwork handout!

The message is that when you do feel like yourself and you feel low energy start with the basics mentioned above

Have a Healthy Week, stay cool and drink plenty of water!!

My Best

Dr Pia