My goal today is to arm you with information so you can make the best choices for you and your family..
A lot of Americans think they’re eating a healthy diet these days. But it’s easy to be fooled by our assumptions and the ways that food manufacturers play on consumers.
Take chicken. The average American eats about 90 pounds of it a year, more than twice as much as in the 1970s, part of the switch to lower-fat, lower-cholesterol meat proteins. But roughly one-third of the fresh chicken sold in the U.S. is “plumped” with water, salt and sometimes a seaweed extract called carrageenan that helps it retain the added water. The U.S. Department of Agriculture says chicken processed this way can still be labeled “all natural” or “100% natural” because those are all natural ingredients, even though they aren’t naturally found in chicken
Producers must mention the added ingredients on the package — but the lettering can be small: just one-third the size of the largest letter in the product’s name. If you’re trying to watch your sodium to cut your risk of high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke, it pays to check the Nutrition Facts label. Untreated chicken has about 45 to 60 mgs of sodium per four-ounce serving. So-called enhanced or “plumped” chicken has between 200 and 400 mgs of sodium per serving, almost as much as a serving of fast-food french fries.
Makers of enhanced chicken, including some of the biggest U.S. producers, and even at 330 mg of sodium, the enhanced chicken qualifies for the American Heart Association’s mark of approval. ( Think Big Government)
Here are some other foods that may not be as healthy as they appear.
Trans fat. There’s been a remarkable reduction in these artery-cloggers in processed foods recently. But manufacturers are allowed to round down: Products labeled zero grams of trans fat can have up to 0.49 gram of fat per serving.
The same rounding principle applies to zero calories, fat and carbohydrates. Walden Farms, which advertises a line of dips, spreads and dressings as “Fat Free, Sugar Free and Calorie Free,” says its products do have trace calories and up to 0.49 gram of fat and carbohydrates per serving.
“Wheat bread.” This is a meaningless term, since almost all bread is made with wheat. Some manufacturers add to the illusion by using a brown wrapper or darkening bread with brown sugar or molasses. The more healthful stuff is whole wheat, which includes the outer bran and the wheat germ inside, good sources of nutrients and fiber. Check the ingredients. If the first one listed is “enriched wheat flour,” you aren’t getting much whole grain.
A few bread makers are still displaying the USDA’s old Food Pyramid on their packages — the one that recommended six to 11 servings of bread or pasta a day. That’s been replaced by a more individualized pyramid that recommends only six carbohydrate servings, three of which should be whole grains
Fiber. Companies are adding fiber to all kinds of products — including yogurt, ice cream and beverages. In many cases, the added fiber comes from purified powders, not the kind of fiber found in whole grains, beans, vegetables and fruits. The latter have been shown to lower cholesterol, reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease and may cut the risk of colon cancer. But there isn’t much evide
nce that “isolated” fibers like inulin, maltodextrin, oat fiber and polydextrose have the same effect, according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nonprofit consumer-advocacy group. The Nutrition Facts label doesn’t differentiate between the kind of fiber counted, so check the ingredients
Yogurt. The yogurt aisle is dizzy these days with products that promise to reduce your cholesterol, control your blood pressure, protect your digestive health or boost your immune system. In many cases, it’s a single ingredient that provides the benefit, and you can find much more of it in other sources. For example, Promise activ SuperShots say they “Help Control Blood Pressure” thanks to 350 mgs of potassium. There’s much more potassium in a banana, a cup of spinach or a baked potato. DanActive probiotic dairy drink’s immunity-boosting claims stem from its L. casei Immunitas active culture. There’s lots of research interest in such probiotics, but for now, the marketing is ahead of the science. Many are high in sugar and sodium!!!!
Super water. The Center for Science in the Public Interest sued Coca-Cola Co. earlier this year over claims on its VitaminWater beverages. The center argued that the drinks — with names like “defense,” “rescue,” “energy” and “endurance” — are mainly sugar water with 125 calories per bottle. Coke called the lawsuit “frivolous” and said its VitaminWater brands are properly labeled. “Consumers today are savvy, they are educated and they are looking for more from their beverages than simply hydration,” said Coke spokesman Scott Williamson. Not only are these drinks expensive but a good source of filtered water is the best think for your body!!!
Omega 3. Many foods are adding these essential fatty acids, said to cut the risk of heart disease, cancer and arthritis and help promote brain health. But you can get a lot more from natural foods. You’d need to drink 45 eight-ounce glasses of milk that is fortified with 32 mgs of omega 3 to get as much of these fatty acids as you get in a three-ounce serving of salmon.
I get asked daily ” Doc what foods should I eat” My answer is as always the same… Eat as close to nature as possible …Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, good for u fats and lean organic or wild proteins:
Have a healthy Day!
Dr Pia