Mothers: Women who nurture and care for others.
I celebrate you! It hasn’t been easy these last years… Taking care of yourself and taking care of others!
Happy Mother’s Day/Month/Year to all who nurture others.
I have been so blessed these past 17 years to have helped many women have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. What a journey we all had together! It is so special to meet a newborn and see their reaction when they hear my voice. They smile and look at me with a knowing… It warms my heart like nothing else.
I also love, love getting updated photos each year of children and seeing just how much they have grown and more importantly who they are becoming!
Rajneesh said” The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. I think in many ways this is true, however I think there are many ways to be a mother and I might say that conception is when the woman becomes a maternal mother.
I also know many women who have not birthed a child at all that are mothers who nurture and care for others. Two women in particular come to my mind. You see, my mother left our family when I was 13 years old and never ever came back. When I was 25 years old one of these wonderful women came into my life. She cared for me and showed me love for many years until she passed. The other mother came into my life just in the last 15 years. She keeps a gentle loving eye on me and checks in from time to time. I am grateful and blessed to have their support and guidance.
I choose to see it as the universe giving me Mothers and providing me with support when I need it the most.
Therefore, I see all women who nurture, guide and provide love to others as Mothers whether they are maternal or not.
This is an excerpt from my best selling book “Building Healthy Humans”.
“My childhood and relationship with my mother also influenced me. I was thirteen years old when she left my younger siblings and me. When I last saw my mother, a few years ago, she did not look well and she had a few other characteristics that were not indicative of a healthy lifestyle.
Obviously my relationship with my mother was not what I would have wished for or wanted. I had no relationship with her for many, many years. However, without her in my life I probably never would have accomplished the things I have accomplished so far.”
A friend of our family who is very wise says, “If not that then, not this now.”
It is because of her that I began my journey as a wellness doctor, and it is because of her that I became curious about epigenetics and how what we eat, drink, think, and move affects our genetic expression. I learned that we do not have to wear the Genes we were born with …. our choices either turn genes on or turn them off.
I am always asking myself sometimes more loudly than others,
” Does this choice support the life I am trying to create?”
If your relationship with your mother is not so great and there are triggers that cause unwanted feelings I suggest that you make a choice to forgive her and more importantly forgive yourself.
Big Hugs
Dr Pia