These times are uncertain—that is for sure. I bet we will all be able to look back and say, “this is not what we had planned for our lives.” Or “I didn’t see that coming.”
In some cases it might be the jolt we needed to make change. In other cases we feel like we have lost control of our choices. It is particularly hard for families with school age kids. The narrative is constantly changing.
Unfortunately, a lot of us are thinking WAY too SHORT TERM.
We are “waiting” for better times without realizing the power of THIS moment.
The past 18 months … I can’t believe I am saying that, has been very challenging on all fronts. People are lost jobs, businesses, dreams and relationships during this pandemic. The emotional contagion has gone from FEAR to emotionally STUCK and then back to FEAR again as we wonder what the NEW NORMAL looks like for many families and professions.
More than ever we need a sustainable body and mind that can adapt to change and recover. Unfortunately for many of us, the resilience bucket was lower even empty before we started this journey. Even with good habits it seems like we are battling to fill it back up. It seems like we feel steady one minute and then unsteady the next…!
We need to be brave and keep filling our bucket so we can recover
How we live our lives has the ability to change our biology/physiology. The choices we make, the food we eat, the way we move, what we drink, our thoughts, the things we watch and read are all nutrition in my book.
Resilience is often related to how well we handle our mental and emotional stressors; however, I would like to suggest that it is also how well we handle physical stress, metabolic stress and chemical stress. Our minds and our bodies are intertwined and connected. Inflammation and chronic disease are a result of too much/many stressors for too long without a period of recovery.
In my Functional Wellness practice, we review all aspects of your life to determine the best way I can support you and empower you to live your best life. BOOK
Good Choices can help us be recover, reset and rebalance our minds and bodies so we can weather the storm. Like Nature, we need the calm/recovery after the storm.
We need to invest in being strong, staying strong and helping others be strong.
Start by taking inventory of your day. Then look at how you manage your output and your input. Where do you need to adjust ? Look at the amount and the quality of your choices. What actions should you take to allow you to start building some reserve. As I always say small things consistency add up and slowly fill that resilience bucket.
Did you know that most humans are 90% deficient in the basic nutrients due to a lack of diversity in their diets? We are under nourished, overstressed dehydrated and often eat a poor diet. You read that right…90%!
So, for this reason I put together the basics, to help you improve your resilience and help support the immune system, so it can do its job as intended.
They are to fill in the gaps while you work on some of the other important aspects of your LIFE. START HERE
NOTE: This is the base and should be cut in half for kids under 12.
Vitamin D, Omega 3 Fats, Vitamin A and C, Digestive Enzymes, and General Health Packets.
Vitamin D, Immuplex, Glutathione, Vitamin A and C, Methylated B vitamins, Trace Minerals B12, Magnesium, EPA/DHA Fats, Ashwagandha, Digestive Enzymes, Milk Thistle for the Liver, then add support for your particular condition.
Vitamin D, Immuplex, Glutathione, Methylated B vitamins, Trace Minerals B12, Magnesium, EPA/DHA Fats, Ashwagandha or Hemp Oil Complex, Digestive Enzymes, plus support for your particular condition
These nutritional supplements and products are made using whole food and plant-based ingredients and are supported with scientifically based evidence. This wholistic approach ensures the deliver high- quality, nutrient-dense solutions for optimal outcomes. You will need to have my code to buy these doctor-approved high quality nutraceutical supplements. You will if need to set up an account, and it is super easy to do.
Click on this link .
Once at the home page you click on the drop down that says Patient Direct and use this special code: W8MJSC to set up your account.