About 10 years or so ago I developed a High Energy Healthy Habits Tracker for my patients. Nothing fancy, no digital tracker just a piece of paper divided into 4 quadrants with a list of 12 healthy habits.
I love making those handouts BTW and I think I might do a FREE e book for ya’ll with all the best ones in it so you have that as a resource. Would that a good idea?
Also I think James Clear (author of the best selling book Atomic Habits) and I were on the same page energetically… he wrote the best selling book though.. LOL. Good for him right! I highly recommend you get a copy!
The HEHH tracker is based on lifestyle choices, some are about food, some about movement, some about rest and reset and some are around emotional wellbeing. The idea is that wellbeing, living well and having a high quality life is about the things we do consistently to support the Mind-Body Connection.
This concept also applies to chronic disease or illness. Unless it is a case of acute trauma, the signs and symptoms that show up for us are often related to the things we do too much of, or not enough of most of the time. The hardest part is making the shift from doing the things that do not serve us to doing the things that creates the life we want.
It is also tough sometimes to see ourselves as an objective observer who is open to new things. We are often stuck in old thought patterns/triggers. We tend to look for ways to support those patterns rather than gather data points, be curious about new possibilities and be open to change.
I like to keep things positive and celebrate the wins and I suggest that you do too. I had a patient yesterday that said ” I have 99/5 star reviews and 1/1 star review. She then said “I can’t let go of the frustration and disappointment of that 1 star review”. The negative tends to hurt and hang around much longer than the positive right?
Score 1 point for each completed healthy behavior |
I hope you found this useful and if so please share with others.
As always I am here to serve. Have a healthy week.
Dr Pia