Grab My Free E-Book |  Ten Foundational Steps to a Healthier Gut and Glowy Skin!

Suggestions and support for your wellbeing.

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Mind Body

1. Pain is the last symptom of dysfunction.A patient’s back is often restricted or unstable for months or years before it presents as a problem and they show up in a chiropractor’s office. In addition, the absence of pain is not health. While medication may be needed, if you take a pill and the pain […]

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June 20, 2013

We are so excited to be Introducing our New Corporate Wellness Program!  This is what our first client had to say: “I was referred to Dr. Pia Martin almost a year ago after I sustained a back injury and was unsuccessfully treated by other chiropractors who seemed to make my injury worse. Initially I was a […]

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June 13, 2013

Please enjoy this wonderful and important article By Jeanne Ohm. There is a growing awareness that all health care falls into two paradigms or perspectives: vitalism and mechanism.  Vitalism is based on the premise that an organized intelligence is present in matter. This energetic force is responsible for the creation and maintenance of life. Mechanism claims that existence […]

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May 22, 2013

If you feel like work is taking the wind out of you, you’re not alone. Two in five people say that they experience  chronic stress at work.  We are working long hours —  shoulders hunched over our computers and checking email at lightening speed — it’s no wonder many don’t take the time to breathe. Deep breathing […]

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March 27, 2013

Squeezing in Fitness Into a Busy Schedule, Five Minutes at a Time Consistency is the key to healthy lifestyle habits: Some great tips below to help keep you on track.  Five minutes every day is better than no minutes!! “Thirty uninterrupted minutes seems elusive for most people in our crazy day-to-day lives,” says Jim White, […]

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March 20, 2013

Wellbeing takes personal effort and commitment! I know it is hard to break longstanding habits even when you know they are not serving you. The body remembers old patterns so you have be intentional to build a new foundation. 

Stop Guessing And Get Functional Health Data You can Use To Be Proactive About Your Health.

Be STRONG enough to stand alone, SMART enough to know when you need help & BRAVE enough to ask for it

Are you ready?







Ten Foundational Steps to a Healthier Gut and Glowy Skin!

Providing you with- simple science driven, natural medicine solutions and tools, so you learn what to do and how to:

Nourish Your Gut Microbiome

Avoid Gut irritants

Prevent Disease

Tips on Mindful Eating

Stress Less and Calm Skin Flares

Raise the Quality of your Health

Providing you with- simple science driven, natural medicine solutions and tools, so you learn what to do and how to:
Nourish Your Gut Microbiome
Avoid Gut irritants
Prevent Disease
Tips on Mindful Eating
Stress Less and Calm Skin Flares
Raise the Quality of your Health
And Much, Much More...

And Much, Much More...