Grab My Free E-Book |  Ten Foundational Steps to a Healthier Gut and Glowy Skin!

Suggestions and support for your wellbeing.

The Blog


Weight Loss and Detox

Are you and your partner thinking about trying to get pregnant in the near future or are you struggling to lose the baby weight?  If so, then we have a solution that is right for you.It is Dr Pia’s Purification Program.  The program has literally changed the lives of many folks including my own and […]

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November 27, 2012

  WHY CHIROPRACTIC CARE FOR NEW MOMS IS A GREAT CHOICE Chiropractic care prior to conception promotes a more regular menstrual cycle and optimal uterine function. It prepares the body to be strong, supple, and as balanced as possible to carry the pregnancy. Restoring proper nerve supply to reproductive organs has helped many couples who […]

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October 16, 2012

Jill and Sandra are two women who support others in a positive and mindful way. Thanks you ladies and to my readers: Please look for the good things in others and stop there without adding the BUT….Dr Pia Occasionally I have guests who bring relevant topics up for discussion.  I love Sandra’s perspective on this […]

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July 24, 2012

CASE STUDY  Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health – Chiropractic ~ Volume 2012 ~ Issue 3 ~ Pages 66-68  Abstract Objective:  To describe the results from chiropractic care of a patient presenting with a breech pregnancy using the Webster Technique analysis with Activator Adjusting Instrument thrust. Clinical Features:  A 30 year old woman in her 34th week of pregnancy with her […]

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July 23, 2012

I wanted to share this article with you for a bunch of reasons.  The first is that I could never write an article with such a sassy in your face style as this and because  if you look beyond the writing style there are some very important nutritional facts re: juice cleansing for any length […]

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June 8, 2012

Wellbeing takes personal effort and commitment! I know it is hard to break longstanding habits even when you know they are not serving you. The body remembers old patterns so you have be intentional to build a new foundation. 

Stop Guessing And Get Functional Health Data You can Use To Be Proactive About Your Health.

Be STRONG enough to stand alone, SMART enough to know when you need help & BRAVE enough to ask for it

Are you ready?







Ten Foundational Steps to a Healthier Gut and Glowy Skin!

Providing you with- simple science driven, natural medicine solutions and tools, so you learn what to do and how to:

Nourish Your Gut Microbiome

Avoid Gut irritants

Prevent Disease

Tips on Mindful Eating

Stress Less and Calm Skin Flares

Raise the Quality of your Health

Providing you with- simple science driven, natural medicine solutions and tools, so you learn what to do and how to:
Nourish Your Gut Microbiome
Avoid Gut irritants
Prevent Disease
Tips on Mindful Eating
Stress Less and Calm Skin Flares
Raise the Quality of your Health
And Much, Much More...

And Much, Much More...