I know we all started the New Year off with great intentions. We were going to eat healthier, drink more water, move more, Mari Kondo our clutter and so on.. We got off to a great start only to run out of a little bit of steam by the end of January. The excitement and energy of a New anything can be difficult to sustain over the long haul. Is that you? Are you already feeling a little stressed, a little overwhelmed and working more and recharging less than the intention you set for 2019?
It is easy to do right? Managing your energy with good input and balanced output means you have to be mindful and present in all areas in your life. As many of you know I have a committed Yoga and meditation practice which supports me most of the time. In times when I have a lot going on I have been experimenting with the idea of a mini meditation.
What I mean by that is, that when I have to switch hats, roles, or functions I take a moment two to make the switch. For example: Switching up projects at work, or going from being a worker to being a parent, or from a partner to a parent, or from hungry to stuffing in a quick bite of food…you get the idea.
I try to allow myself a minute or two to take a few breaths and let go of what I was doing and let it go and the fully embrace the new task. An example would be: when I enter my office, I put on my Doctor’s Coat. Not because I want to wear one, it is not very fashionable, but because it symbolizes that I have made the transition from Pia to Dr Pia so I can set the intention to be fully present for all my patients.
A patient of mine suggested that it is like having a little ritual with yourself. For those of you who like to use essential oils like lavender or stress away, you already know how powerful it can be to take a minute and use the power of aroma therapy to calm the nervous system.
These transition moments can be a powerful way to reset your energy and allow you to be more present with yourself and others. Bottom Line: This practice can reduce your stress levels and I know we can all use more of that.
Meditation can be a particularly powerful tool for improving your overall health. Studies have shown that it has the ability to boost levels of key hormones and neurotransmitters, including serotonin, the calming neurotransmitter GABA, the adrenal hormone DHEA, growth hormone, and melatonin which is needed for a restful nights sleep.
Research has also shown that meditation can help your adrenal glands. We know that stress is a trigger for adrenal fatigue, which can worsen, and, in some cases, trigger other inflammatory conditions such as Blood Sugar swings and Digestive Disorders. The practice of meditation can decrease stress levels and improve overall health by significantly lowering elevated cortisol levels.
Other researched benefits of meditation include improved immunity, and reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and cancer.
I also think this is a great practice to share with your kids. It has the potential to make all your relationships better.
Give the idea of a Mini Mediation or Mindset Ritual a try and let me know what you think?
Do you have a great ritual practice that you use? If so we would love to hear from you.
My best and have a healthy week
Dr Pia