Paula Deen leaves a bad taste in my mouth!

January 19, 2012

Healthy Wednesday!
I will tell you that I have some emotion around the news this week that Paula Deen has Diabetes. First I am not surprised are you? Second I want to take the time to provide a little education. Nearly all the articles talk about fat laden food and fried this and that. It is critical to mention that while trans fats and fried foods are bad for health it is the excess sugar and simple carbs that are the real problem here.

Excess carbs ( I am not including most veggies and most fruit in this statement) = Excess Glucose = Excess Insulin = Excess Fat Storage.

For true health you can control Diabetes with exercise and a clean diet … Not with a pill and “continue to stay true to Southern Cooking” The pill will help lower blood glucose however are you really treating the cause or the symptom???? I have had several patients reduce their Blood Glucose, A!C and Trigylceride levels by choosing to make healthy food choices and exercise regularly. It is not a quick fix it takes effort. The ramifications of diabetes are absolutely terrifying. They include blindness, loss of limbs and heart attack just to name a few.

I have already lost a best friend to diabetes and my sister struggles with metabolic syndrome which is why I am so hot about this topic. If you want to get off the sugar roller coaster a fantastic way to get started is to do Dr Pia’s Purification Program. Not only will you lose the weight but you will learn how to eat healthy foods. Get started … take the 21 day challenge to better health.

Television cook Paula Deen has cooked up some trouble for herself with her revelation this week that she has diabetes.

Deen — known for her high-calorie takes on Southern cuisine — has drawn the wrath of fans and colleagues alike with her admission that she has Type 2 diabetes. Many are infuriated that Deen withheld her condition while shilling gut-expanding recipes to the public. And they are accusing her of exploiting her condition by revealing it on the same day she began promoting a diabetes treatment as a paid spokesperson for a pharmaceutical company.