Our Circadian Rhythm and Sleep

March 8, 2025


I am not a huge fan of day light savings as it messes with mother nature and with our internal circadian rhythm. If you are already struggling with getting good sleep turning the clock back can make you feel worse and less than vibrant for a few days.

I have learned over the years how to minimize the effects of daylight savings and get back in the sleep/wake cycle groove quickly, so I thought I would share my routine and also discuss the reasons we could have sleep issues and struggle with fatigue and low energy.

Our Circadian Rhythm and Sleep

Our Circadian Rhythm and how it affects our sleep. As we go through each day, our body releases various hormones to keep us functioning. For instance, cortisol is ideally high in the morning, which wakes us up and gives us energy for the day. Cortisol then gradually drops during the day and melatonin levels go up. This is what makes us feel sleepy. Melatonin release is also accompanied by a significant release of growth peptides and growth factor that “prime,” or activate, our immune cells which are vital to fighting infections. The body also needs rest to repair and get rid of the rubbish (dead cells and debris). If we don’t get good rest, then the debris and rubbish build up and we start to notice the signs of inflammation.


  • Blood sugar swings throughout the day, eating too much at dinner, too many carbs, alcohol, inadequate fat, and proteins and nutrient deficiencies.
  • Eating too late and not allowing the body to move into Rest and Digest Mode before Bed.
  • Dehydration – leg cramps, dry mouth, blood pressure issues
  • Reflection: We wait till we hit the pillow before we reflect on our day.
  • A lack of sunlight: We spend a ot of time inside and in front of our computers/ phones and don’t spend enough time with morning sun.
  • Anemia: Low Ferritin can cause Restless Legs and keep you awake
  • Sleep with mouth open – sleep apnea, snoring, asthma, dental problems
  • Hormone dysregulation – low progesterone, low estrogen, high cortisol at night due to stress. Then staying up past bedtime and getting g a second wind.
  • Gut Dysbiosis- due to low HCL leading to a build of ammonia, leading to brain fog, and candida / fungal overgrowth. An unhealthy gut can also lead to Low GABA which is one of our calming neurotransmitters.
  • Frequent Urination – Imbalances of sodium/potassium, drinking too late, a weak pelvic floor, or poor kidney function.
  • Lack of movement. Sitting all day and excess screen time is a recipe for poor sleep
  • You are a Shift Worker.


Sleep is a biological process that involves communication between multiple body systems, with endocrine/stress responses playing a major role. We are now also learning more and more about how the health of the microbiome plays a significant role. Sleep is one of the most important biological processes for longevity and quality of life. We have to prioritize cellular rest and repair in order to function well. Sleep improves your metabolic health, your longevity, your mental health, fertility, your libido, your weight control, your appetite, your relationships, your focus, your athletic performance… and more.

It seems like a lot however there are some simple steps you can take to improve sleep and help your body reset quickly from the daylight savings time change.

Our Circadian Rhythm and Sleep – Time Change Reset

The body remembers the past so you have to override your body signals using your mind and a few tools.

  • Set your clocks to the new time and get up and get outside for some early morning sunlight.
  • Eat based on the new schedule even if you don’t seem hungry. Keep the meals balanced and small.
  • Exercise and get fresh blood and oxygen to your cells
  • Extra focus on a wind down routine and take a hot bath with Lavender or Epsom salts
  • I like to go for it with time changes however, if you know that stresses you out, you could do 15 minute increment shifts over 4 days to reset to the new time.


  • General Sleep/Stress Support: Ashwagandha Forte, Adrenatone, Min Tran, Minerals.
  • Support to get to Sleep: Magnesium Lactate, or Glycinate, GABATONE: a Calming AA formula.
  • Support to Stay Asleep: Protefood (1 B4Bed), Diaplex (2), Nevaton Forte (2) Zypan (2) and Liver Support based on your unique needs. Click for Purchase


  • Turn down the lights… I like to sit with candle light starting at around 7.00pm. Bright days/Dark nights.
  • Eat Dinner at least 3 hours before bed and don’t eat too much.
  • A consistent sleep wake cycle even on weekends is KEY!!! Aim for 7.5/8 hours a night.
  • A nice hot bath/ shower can be helpful.
  • An App like Calm or Aura
  • Keep your Bedroom Cool. A cool temperature helps the body cocoon in the bed.
  • Black out curtains
  • Turn off electronics
  • Get outside in the daylight to reset your circadian rhythm
  • Exercise and Movement is key… We are meant to move. Minimum is to go for a walk after dinner to help reset blood sugar and insulin.
  • Invest in a good mattress/pillow/ sheets
  • Journal your worries and anxieties. Then let them rest in the journal until tomorrow when you can take action steps to Let Them Go!

Dr. Andrew Huberman’s Non-Sleep Deep Rest Protocol I highly recommend this video for days when you feel stressed or need to recoup some rest.

A great podcast to listen to for more info https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wsslt3ynA-E

Have a happy and healthy week

Dr Pia