you could be lacking magnesium in your diet. Magnesium is an essential mineral involved in energy production, glucose metabolism, and muscle function. This is especially true for those hitting the gym hard.
high-quality, low-sugar dark chocolate. I recommend sticking to 75% cocoa or higher, and pairing it with another magnesium-rich source like sunflower seeds. My personal favorite is Hu, which is a little pricey, but all the more reason to keep portions in check.
craving pure sugar is a good indication that you’re running low on energy. Think about it. What is the one thing you’re itching for, after a terrible night’s sleep, or at around 4p during a stressful workday? The answer is usually sugar, because it’s used as instant fuel for our body’s cells.
if you’re raiding your co-workers’ Candy stash, I recommend a more slow-burn carbohydrate with a source of fat or protein. Unlike simple sugar, this will fuel your cells while avoiding the post-sugar crash. Two options that make for great pick-me-ups: apples with nut butter, or berries with 2% unsweetened Greek yogurt.
if nothing but the saltiest pickle will do, you may not be drinking enough H2O. Salt helps the body hold on to water, so we crave it when we’re in need of fluids.
water. Stay hydrated, especially as we approach the summer months. If plain water bores you, try adding in mint, lemon, or frozen fruit to mix it up. And if you’re really just craving salt after all, toasted seaweed is a great low calorie option.
since high-carb foods boost the feel-good hormone serotonin, starch cravings can be a sign you’re in need of a mood booster.
a bath. Bust out the Epsom salts, it’s time for some serious R+R. Trust me. Indulging in a starch free-for-all feels really good in the moment and not so good the next day.
your body may be telling you it’s in need of some healthy fat.
I’m a realist, so if you’re craving ice cream, I’m not going to recommend a handful of walnuts, which are, of course, full of healthy fat. For ice-cream emergencies I recommend lower-in-sugar coconut ice-creams like Coconut Bliss.
if you can’t stop thinking about red meat, there’s a chance you’re your body is craving iron, b12 and folic acid. This is especially true during or around that time of the month.
I’m a proponent of grass fed, antibiotic and hormone-free red meat 1x week. Try experimenting with an open-faced bison burger, which, cut for cut, is leaner and has more iron than beef.