Love Yourself! Heart Yourself! In order to give to and be present for others you have to Heart/Love yourself first!! I know it is easier said than done. We as humans are not good at self appreciation which is why we often put self care/love on the back burner. We have also perfected the art […]
The Future of Wellness – Trends 2023 Every year the global wellness summit provides a trend report based on all the data they have gathered world wide. They have a pretty good track record with their predictions and it is always interesting to learn what they think the future of wellness looks like. Their opening […]
How to Fix your Gut Health. The last couple plus years has caused a rise in digestive issues for many people. Research says that 40% of the population suffer with GI issues. The constant stress (living in the danger zone) and less than stellar choices ( Diet and Lifestyle habits) have created an […]
HIGH ENERGY HEALTHY HABIT TRACKER About 10 years or so ago I developed a High Energy Healthy Habits Tracker for my patients. Nothing fancy, no digital tracker just a piece of paper divided into 4 quadrants with a list of 12 healthy habits. I love making those handouts BTW and I think I might do […]
Celebrate what is good! The past 2 nearly 3 years has been a very different time in our lives. There has been a lot of fear about the unknown and what could happen. Things seem to change overnight in so many aspects of our lives. It has caused challenges to our overall wellbeing and our […]
Wellbeing takes personal effort and commitment! I know it is hard to break longstanding habits even when you know they are not serving you. The body remembers old patterns so you have be intentional to build a new foundation.
Providing you with- simple science driven, natural medicine solutions and tools, so you learn what to do and how to:
Nourish Your Gut Microbiome
Avoid Gut irritants
Prevent Disease
Tips on Mindful Eating
Stress Less and Calm Skin Flares
Raise the Quality of your Health
Providing you with- simple science driven, natural medicine solutions and tools, so you learn what to do and how to:
Nourish Your Gut Microbiome
Avoid Gut irritants
Prevent Disease
Tips on Mindful Eating
Stress Less and Calm Skin Flares
Raise the Quality of your Health
And Much, Much More...
And Much, Much More...