A Simpler, Smarter Way to Feel Better

January 31, 2025

It has been a noisy, sad and stress filled week so I wanted to keep this newsletter short and hopefully sweet!

I’ve been sitting with a profound truth that’s emerged from my years in functional medicine:

Will this Fix Me?

Sometimes wellness isn’t about adding in yet another healing practice.
Sometimes, it’s about staying consistent with the simple things that our bodies have always known.
I see it every day in my practice – people coming in exhausted from chasing the next big wellness trend, doing all the research, trying to optimize every aspect of their health, yet feeling more disconnected than ever. They’re doing all the “right” things but missing the essential foundation that makes those things work.

What if we decided to approach health differently?

This isn’t about lowering our standards for health – it’s about elevating our understanding of what true wellness means.

It’s about choosing…
• Calm instead of Chaos
• Stillness over Stress
• Presence over Popularity
• Breathwork over Busyness
• Real in Person Connection and Community over your eyes always on a screen

Sometimes Wellness isn’t about adding in another healing practice but about staying consistent with the simple things:

A Simpler, Smarter Way to Feel Better

Some Simple Things

A Walk outside, in Nature even better and taking in your surroundings even better still…
Deep Breaths
Whole Simple Food Found in Nature that you cook at Home
Missing out on all thing’s social media
Celebrating the wins and giving yourself Grace if you slipped

There is more …. you get the idea. It is about coming back to ourselves

Have a healthy week and practice “Kind Inner Self Talk”

Dr Pia