How our emotions affect our skin!

January 8, 2025

How our emotions affect our skin!

I have been thinking a lot this week about emotions and how they affect our health. As many of you know I am trained in NET ( Neuro Emotional Technique) and I use it in combination in with other modalities in my practice to help support the whole body so you can heal!

I have also been re-listening to Napoleon Hill and his 20 year study on how what we think about manifests in our lives.  He was one of the first to share the power of a positive mindset and how it affects all aspects of our mental and physical health. 

So this week I wanted to share a little on the topic of how emotions affect our skin and to share that we have had lots of nice successes in the clinic healing all kinds of skin issues. 

Our Healthy Healing Plan is very effective in reducing inflammation, balancing metabolism, inducing weight loss, repairing the gut, improving skin issues and over-all health.  

For more info: Book an appointment

The Biology and Science of how Stress affects our Skin

Your skin is your largest organ that acts as a barrier to protect us from environmental triggers and bacteria. However, it is also a permeable barrier that is influenced by what is happening underneath the surface. For example, high levels of inflammation and stress can show up on the surface of your skin as inflammatory skin problems.

Think eczema, hives, rashes, acne, itchiness, dryness, brown spots, redness, psoriasis and more

When you are stressed, your levels of inflammatory markers like  IL-6 drastically increase. Therefore, when you are chronically stressed chances are high that you also have chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation is systemic and often shows up as Gut Issues, pain, and skin breakouts. Interestingly enough, stress can be a major trigger for autoimmune conditions like psoriasis (which is characterized by chronic inflammation).

When I ask my patients if they have had any Trauma or too much stress all at once  they can  correlate the start of their health issues and autoimmune conditions with that event or situation. 

Hormones, Emotions and Skins Issues

 Chronic stress and inflammation can also throw your hormones out of whack. One example is when there is a miscommunication between your brain and endocrine system it can lead to adrenal fatigue, which further hinders your body’s ability to handle stress, and can contribute to acne and other skin problems. Inflammation and chronic stress can also lead to androgen dominance or estrogen dominance in women and low testosterone in men  – these issues can all  contribute to an increase in sebum which then shows up as acne usually on the face or top of the shoulders. 

Skin disorders that tend to have an emotional component to them?

Psoriasis and eczema are two skin problems that I see on a pretty regular basis in my natural functional medicine clinic. While lab work often shows high inflammation levels and a connection to food sensitivities. I like to dive a little deeper and go through a comprehensive health history with individuals. When I do this, I discover that these individuals are currently dealing with a lot of stress in their lives or are working through past trauma that have acted as a trigger for poor gut health, inflammation, and hormone imbalances. This is also the case with some kids too!

Since I like to approach healing from a whole-body perspective. We address diet and lifestyle in addition to focusing on internal physical (GUT Healing) and emotional healing. I think it is also important to choose natural, non-toxic skincare to avoid absorbing toxins that contribute to external and internal inflammation, and further skin problems.  Click this link for some good options. Primally Pure’s products.

 Chronic Stress and Aging Skin – Skin is IN!

Skin is In! Tik Tok and Social Media has created such a buzz that 10-13 year olds are worried about aging well and having glowy skin. I have to say I am a little nervous about that. On the bright side maybe it will motivate young folks to do a better job on other areas of their lives. Fingers crossed.

There is a lot of focus on skin and having that glowy complexion and being age-less or aging well. Chronic stress real or perceived is one of the biggest contributors to dull skin and premature aging. When you are stressed, your body releases high amounts of cortisol that ends up breaking down your skin’s collagen and elasticity resulting in skin blemishes and wrinkles.  

Yes,  I’ll admit it… I want to age well and continue to be relevant in the wellbeing space.  So along with continuing stress reduction techniques,  I have also increased my protein intake the last few years …  I also add a grass fed and finished Collagen Powder to my morning cup of coffee.  It is easy to digest and absorb.  A quick note:  If you are stressed out and you decide to add more protein to your diet you need to make sure you can digest it well.  Stress shuts down digestion which then causes problems downstream. Adding Enzymes, (Enzymix Pro) Zypan, Digestive Bitters, Betain and Pepsin to support digestion is a must to reap the benefits.

Practices to help manage your emotions that affect our skin

Managing your day-to-day stress is the first step.

  • Start a daily mindfulness practice, whether that is journaling, mediation, breathwork, or something else. Click here for My Morning Routine
  • Reduce inflammatory foods and drinks containing sugars and chemicals
  • Movement: Creates blood flow, improve oxygenation, and help to down regulated stress. 
  • Hydrate: Clean filtered Water: Dry on the outside also equals dry on the inside!
  • Counseling can be life-changing as well, especially if you are dealing with emotional scars from past trauma, or are just looking for extra support for dealing with everyday stress.
  • Supplement with B Vitamins, Omega 3 Fish Oils, Minerals and Amino Acids
  • I also take Gotu Kola everyday.  It is a herbal supplement that improves microcirculation.  I call it my natural Botox in a bottle.  Not only does it help my skin it also helps with circulation. 
  • Last: for those of you who want more: Red light has a reputation for supporting skin. From wrinkles to elasticity, it gives aging skin a little pick-me-up. Studies suggest it could help support collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid in the skin. Here is the one a Naturopathic Doc Friend Likes.

How Emotions affect our Skin

The emotional component plus factors like poor diet, toxin exposure, mold toxicity, and nutrient deficiencies can all trigger and further perpetuate Skin (Barrier) and Gut (Barrier) problems causing inflammation, and hormone imbalances.

Your health is influenced by everything you do – physically and emotionally – It is all connected!!

More on skin issues

While we can’t ignore the emotional component to skin problems we have to look at everything holistically to get an accurate picture of why someone is dealing with skin problems in order to achieve long-term, sustainable healing. Our healing plan can help!

Ease into your new year with Grace and let go of things that are not serving you.  Check out last week’s blog if you missed it.  

Have a great week and if you are Texas.. stay warm, go horns, stay hydrated and plan extra time to rest and digest.

Dr Pia

How our emotions affect our skin