Success Stories

“As a newly pregnant mom I was terrified of having the same birthing story that I’d had with my son – failed to progress at 9.5 cm with my son being delivered via C-section. As my pregnancy progressed I decided to attempt a VBAC (vaginal birth after C-section). I saw Dr. Pia throughout my entire pregnancy. She always encouraged me to properly nourish myself and my baby and used a gentle technique to help keep my body in proper alignment for easier birthing. At 30 weeks my baby was in the breech position. Dr. Pia used the Webster technique to encourage baby to turn into the proper position, which was a success! I’m convinced that having my back and hips in the proper alignment not only eased some of the back/hip pain associated with pregnancy, but contributed to a successful VBAC with my daughter. Thank you Dr. Pia!”Joy

I want to say Thank You to Dr. Pia Martin for her very gentle adjustments, her gentle nutrition suggestions, and her incredible insight into my health. Although I have been treated by chiropractors for more than 20 years, I have never had the results that I have seen with Dr. Pia. I am a solid 18 pounds lighter and feel so much better. After doing the 21 day cleanse, in October 2014, I felt like a different person. My energy levels are up, my joint pain levels are down, my allergies are down and so many other things. I am now able to recognize (if I pay attention) what my body is telling me about foods – mostly about things I should not be eating. 🙂 Thank You, Thank You, Thank You for all you have done for me.Blessings,

Shelly Burk

I have been pregnant three times and I have given birth to three healthy babies, all a success. However, with the last two babies I have had complications during pregnancy that caused me pain and discomfort. I believe many people experience this issue, yet not a lot of doctors or even mid wives recognize or even understand the symptoms, let alone try to help manage the pain.I suffered from Pubic Symphysis Disfunction, which is caused by an early release of the hormone relaxin, and causes the pelvic girdle to be unstable and cause pain. This pain can be stabbing, achy, and sharp. I started symptoms with my second child at 6 months pregnant, and with my third child at 3 months pregnant. I found Dr. Pia on yelp, I was intrigued by her approach to the whole body as a system, but ultimately I was interested in pain management and chiropractic care.

I was pleasantly surprised when meeting her. She has a professional demeanor with a soft and friendly face. Dr. Pia almost immediately knew deeper about my physical well being than I even recognized. At the consultation appointment she discovered that I my adrenal glands were needing support and that my blood sugar needed stabilizing. I was sent away with homework, taking supplements and some dietary restrictions.

Before I left Dr. Pia Martin made sure that I understood that my issue was deeper that just a “pregnancy” issue and she was going to try her best in figuring out why I am releasing hormones too early. I left feeling taken care of and listened to. She spent an hour and a half in the first visit and she never rushed. I continued to see her throughout the rest of my pregnancy.

I consider Dr. Pia Martin to be the most intuitive and educated doctor I have ever came across. I constantly send my loved ones to see her and they too have found her to help the tremendously. Please go visit her and open your mind to the connections that the different organs, emotions and diet has on your ailment and symptoms. I highly recommend Dr. Pia Martin.

Cara M.

A few years ago I was in need of a chiropractor and met Dr. Pia Martin, who had been recommended my by a friend. Dr. Martin resolved my back and joint problems. Following this, I learned that she was also a nutritionist.My health has been vastly improved when following Dr. Martin’s recommendations for diet and the Purification Process. I lapse now and then to my old ways of eating, but with Dr. Pia’s help I do get back on track.

The first several days of the purification process were difficult for me, but after sticking with the process for the recommended 21 days, my health vastly improved. Adhering to the mantra of “vegetables, fruit and lean protein” I experienced the following changes:

  • increased energy
  • no longer needed an afternoon nap
  • skin and hair improved
  • lost weight
  • allergies were markedly lessened
  • “hot flashes” all but disappeared

Compared with other diets and weight loss plans, the eating plan of vegetables, fruit and lean protein is easy to follow and compatible with feeding a family.

Thank you Dr. Pia for your ongoing help and friendship.

Best wishes, Carol

Dr. Pia Martin is a true stand for people and their health and well-being. She has not only been there to support me physically over the past year, during some of the hardest times I have endured but was always there to pull me through!Having my regular chiropractic treatments from Dr. Pia definitely helped me to stay healthy and sound. Then, it was time to take on my weight. I had gained about 19 pounds, give or take, over the past year. It slowly kept creeping up and until I knew I was ready to really focus and take it on, I knew I wouldn’t succeed.

Due to Dr. Pia’s commitment and patience with me, I finally chose to take on the Standard Process Purification Program at the beginning of October. This program is designed to be 21 days for a reason and I knew that it was going to go way beyond me losing a couple of pounds. This program was much bigger than that for me as I knew I would be on my very own internal journey throughout the program.

My energy was amazing throughout and has sustained afterwards. I choose ‘ME’ first now and that was really important during this new phase of my life. I have currently lost 17 pounds and have shifted my mindset completely around food. Now that my body has been purified, I notice that I don’t even want or crave foods that I know will make me feel bad. When I do eat something I listen to what my body is telling me and take very good note of what it does and doesn’t like.

Thank you Dr. Pia for your stand for me and for all the people that you work with on a daily basis. You are truly a blessing to me and I am forever grateful!

Warmest Regards,
Angel Haag

Dear Dr. Pia:You were referred to me when I was rejected for a needed life insurance policy. I expected that my task would be easier than it has turned out to be, but the results have far exceeded my expectations.

In six months, I lost 18 pounds and essentially “reshaped” myself. I expected to need to change my eating habits, but not so radically. However, I did not go hungry and my actual food preferences are now much healthier. I was initially appalled at your suggestion that I needed to exercise. You were a good negotiator, which got me started down a better path. The exercising has turned out to be the best part – I am in the best shape I have been in at least 25 years. I feel better, I am not tired like I used to be, and my step is an order of magnitude lighter. I am getting positive comments from friends and business associates that have known me for many years.

I’m not an easy patient and do not like being told what to do. You gracefully balanced encouragement and discipline in a way that really worked for me.

As a direct result of your guidance, I am in the process of obtaining a new insurance policy at preferred rates. It is difficult for me to find the right words to thank you. You have made an enormous difference in my life.

With appreciation,


I am a mom on overdrive. I work full time and have three kids aged 12-17. Boy, do I need Dr. Pia.I see Dr. Pia every three weeks for a chiropractic adjustment and a nutritional pep talk. I work at a desk all day, and long days at a computer are hard on my upper back. Dr. Pia keeps my back stable and encourages me to be consistent with my yoga classes which are critical for keeping my shoulders strong and flexible. She is an avid yogi herself and during the course of an office visit, she often demonstrates certain postures that will help me strengthen important muscle groups. She also shows me how certain postures could be harmful if taken too far.

As far as nutrition goes, Dr. Pia is intent on supporting my overworked endocrine system. She encourages me to get plenty of sleep, fluids, and downtime. She also sends me away with whole food supplements that are tailored to my body’s needs. Dr. Pia knows nutrition; she walks the talk and inspires me to do better every time I see her.

Everything feels more balanced and more under control with a health advocate like Pia by your side.

One thing unexpected that I’ve noticed since I started seeing Dr. Pia is that I don’t get sick as much as I used to. (knock on wood). I’ve noticed that when my kids get viruses, I don’t automatically get them anymore. My nose isn’t so stuffy all the time, and I almost never get headaches.

Lastly, Dr. Pia has great respect for the role of medical doctors when it comes to serious health issues. She ensures that I see my medical doctor for my high blood pressure, regular blood work, annual exams and mammograms.

I take my kids to see her too. My middle boy once had a extreme pain in his mid-back at school. My husband and I feared he had a serious kidney problem, and his pediatrician couldn’t see him for 4 hours. We were considering the emergency room, but I called Dr. Pia first. She saw him immediately, did an assessment and discovered that it was a severe case of constipation. (We still tease him about that.)

My oldest son is a competitive runner, and Dr. Pia puts his knees back into alignment a few times each season. My son (who doesn’t ask for much) actually asks to see her because it makes his gait so much smoother.

Bottom line, GO SEE HER. Go see her before you have a serious problem. Or, if you have pain, don’t hesitate to make an appointment. She’s worth her weight in gold. A real find.

Dear Dr. Pia,The journey of a single pound began with a leap of faith. Faith that said “I can do it.” Faith that believed there was a better way. Faith that knew somewhere deep inside, vegetables could and would be my friend. Faith that was confident success would be achieved as life priorities were realigned.

The journey of a single pound began in the office of Dr. Pia Martin: my chiropractor, health and wellness coach, and world-class “you can do it” advocate. With Dr. Pia’s guidance and sound counsel, I am thankful to have disposed of thirty pounds in three months. The effort involved three major components – faith, fitness, and food – any of which would never have been as successful alone as all three were together.

As I reflect upon the trek of the past three months, I give thanks for the kindness and wisdom of Dr. Pia. She has provided food for thought, encouragement along the way, an unbiased view of the journey, and a resounding positive outlook that has equipped me – warrior Wendy – with the necessary gear to be victorious.

Dr. Pia, I thank you for walking alongside me these past months. Your genuine compassion and desire to help me improve my life has been a driving force to the success I have realized. With kindness and love you have guided, not chided, and because you walk the walk and not just talk the talk, I too, believe that “I can do it.”


Dear Dr Pia,Before I went to Dr Pia I was like many others- over the years the weight kept creeping up on me and before I knew it I was 45 and 226 Lbs. No surprise it all went to my waist. I am a triathlete and train a lot so I naively thought that if I trained hard I could eat what I liked. Working with Dr Pia was a revelation! She started by understanding my body, my lifestyle, my eating habits and me. After that she sort to educate me in way I could improve and integrate healthier habits into my lifestyle. After putting her plan into action I saw immediate results – The weight dropped and I was stronger and getting more from my workouts. After 3 months I lost almost 30lbs and went down 3 clothing sizes. I just completed the Iron man Masters in Florida and I had my best time ever. I shaved 30 minutes of my last best time! After 17 years as a triathlete and now 45 I felt like the clock had turned back in time. I was performing better than ever. Dr Pia said “Imagine if your body was operating at 9 or 10 instead of a 5/6. I can’t speak highly enough of Dr Pia Martin. Her knowledge, compassion and communication is by far the main reason I was able to achieve this level of success.

ANDREW, CEO/ Sports company

Dear Dr. Pia,The best news for me (in addition to learning how to be smarter and more aware of what I put into my body on a daily basis from now on in my life), I started this process 21 days ago weighing 207 lbs. (actually fluctuating between 206 and 211, but on that day 207) and I got on the scale today and weigh 191. Not bad, 16 pounds in 21 days, and I’ve finally broken the 200-pound barrier that has been a struggle for me since my daughter was born 21 years ago. That was the last time I saw myself weighing less than 200.

Thanks for everything, Pia.


I first went to see Dr. Pia when I threw out my lower back moving boxes in the early part of 2014. Barely able to walk, after that first visit I was able to recover a large portion of my mobility. Within two weeks my lower back was feeling better than it had in the last ten years. I have been seeing her for monthly adjustments, and the normal aches and pains in my back, neck, and hips have been at lowest levels that I can remember in my life. She is always friendly and more than understanding that it is difficult to break lifelong unhealthy habits. Dr. Pia offers guidance for improving my health without the harsh judgment that always makes me shy away from the needed change in my lifestyle. To me, she is far more than a practitioner of my health. She is a friend who cares, guides, and supports me to become the healthiest person I have ever been.Emily K.