Jane's Journey to Wellbeing

I had never been to a holistic doctor, so I had no idea what to expect. I sat in her office, and we talked about my health history, my work, my relationships, my stress levels, my food choices, and my activity levels which was really nice. I was so nervous, but she made me feel calm - like everything was going to be okay. I instantly trusted her and felt safe pouring out all my struggles - like how I would eat when stressed, eat in secret because I was ashamed, drink wine to mask my overwhelm, all the things. She sent me a recap after my appointment, listing out all the things we had discussed, specific supplements to take, books to read, next steps, and attached some documents to help me get started on a better path with my nutrition. I studied everything she sent me, ordered the book, and started making changes the next day.  

I instantly trusted her and felt safe

I can vividly remember a conversation I had with my husband 8 months ago. I remember sitting on the couch, crying, and telling him that I just felt like something was wrong with me. When I looked in the mirror, I didn’t recognize myself. It was like I was looking at someone else, and I hated it. I knew something needed to change, but I was completely overwhelmed and had no idea where to start.  

I have struggled with my weight since I was about 15. I was a band nerd, overweight, with bad acne, and a gaping lack of confidence. I was constantly trying to lose weight because I thought it would make me happy. I also grew up in the era of fad diets. I have tried everything from drinking Slim-Fast shakes to Weight Watchers, to counting macros, to Keto, to Optavia, to intermittent fasting, low fat, and everything in between. I was always looking for a quick way to lose weight. I wanted so desperately to feel comfortable in a swimsuit so I could go do fun things in the summer. Results would come, but the weight would always come back as soon as I stopped whatever diet I was on. For years, I declined invitations to go swimming, wore long pants and hid from the camera.

To give you a little bit of a back-story first…

Dr. Pia empowered me to completely change my life!

For whatever reason, I had always made my birthday my “goal weight” date. I always told myself, “By my birthday, I’ll weigh 125 pounds, and I’ll be happy.” News flash: never happened. When I turned 38 this year, it was just another sad day of me not hitting my goal. Except this time, I just felt completely hopeless. I realized that I had spent the bulk of my glory days being obsessed with losing weight and trying to hide my body, instead of just living. I spent the next two months feeling super depressed, frustrated, overwhelmed, and defeated. I would try to listen to podcasts, find books to read, google all the things to find the answers. My hair was falling out, I had no energy, I was constantly stressed out and felt unmotivated. Finally, enough was enough. I had that conversation with my husband, and that’s where my journey really started. He was so incredibly supportive (as always), told me he would work as much overtime as he needed to in order for me to find someone to help me, and gave me the encouragement to try a different route.  

I just felt completely hopeless

My first thought was, “I need to find a nutritionist because maybe this is just all food related”. So, I found one…she told me to eat 1,000 calories a day and to take an injection that was $300/month to make me forget I needed to eat. I left that appointment feeling SO frustrated because I felt like just the next fad bandwagon. So, back to searching I went. I did a search to find a holistic doctor who focused on nutrition. Several popped up that were super expensive… Then, Dr. Pia popped up. Her reviews were incredible, her website was legit, I could get in to see her and her first appointment wasn’t going to cost half of my paycheck - so I reached out. We scheduled my first appointment for May 7th, and my life hasn’t been the same since.  

I began my search!  

I also started going to CrossFit. It was something I had always dreamed of doing, but I was always too scared to do it. I remember asking Dr. Pia if she thought it was a good time to start, and she looked me in the eye and said, “Do YOU think it’s a good time?”. That is one of the biggest things I appreciate about Dr. Pia! She isn’t there to tell you what to do, she is there to provide you with the education and information you need, and help you make your own decision because it is YOUR health journey.  

Movement Matters

Between May-November, I have lost almost 40 pounds and counting! I wake up with energy, I have a healthy relationship with food, my hair isn’t falling out anymore, and my skin is glowing. I’ve actually gone into stores and bought new clothes that fit me better! I’m more confident with my body, and I get excited about date night with my husband. I’ve gotten in way better shape, I can run again, lift heavy weights, and my endurance has improved - which helps me with my work. Dr Pia also recommended a Morning Routine. I start my days slow and actually take the time to do a breathing, stretching, and gratitude routine - which helps me start each day with positivity. 

How it’s Going

I never felt like I was just another client, I felt heard and cared for! Everyone’s health journey is different, and it’s definitely not a “one size fits all” type of thing. The best part is I’m not doing anything crazy, the way I eat is sustainable. I don’t count calories, I don’t measure anything, and I don’t obsess over the food. I just eat what nourishes me.
When I think back to the conversation I had with my husband, I am so proud of myself for taking the steps and making changes. If I hadn’t found Dr. Pia when I did, I don’t know where I’d be right now. She has been my guiding light, my encouragement, my confidant, and my doctor-friend. She was there when I had questions, to share the wins, and when I needed someone to talk to. As time passed, she worked with me on a tailored supplement plan without recommending that I take a pile of pills. She recommended just what I needed, and nothing over the top. She has provided me with a wealth of knowledge and tools to help me educate myself! I am grateful for her!

I’m actually looking forward to the summertime now because I am fully planning on throwing on a swimsuit, wearing shorts, and not hiding when a camera appears! It feels SO good to feel like myself again, and my husband is loving it too. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and lost when it comes to your health like I was - just do yourself a favor and reach out to Dr. Pia. I am positive that she will encourage and empower you to change your life - just like she did mine!

The future looks and feels bright

My relationship with food had been such a struggle for so many years. I was so used to calling foods “good” or “bad” or “cheat meals” that it was a hard habit to break. One of Dr. Pia’s suggestions was to ask myself before every food choice I made, “Is this going to nourish me?”. It was such a simple task, but so effective, and I’ve been doing it ever since.

“Does this choice nourish me?”