Moments of Clarity from Happinez

A few months ago one of my patients sent me a complimentary copy of Happinez “the magazine.”  What a delightful surprise!!!   This magazine is chock full of wonderful uplifting articles, ideas and curated items.  It feels like opening a treasure, or  a special gift as you turn each page.  The articles, the artwork, the paper it’s printed all contribute to delight the reader.

Happinez  magazine is also global in it’s world view so you as a reader are exposed to thought leaders and special curate objects and gifts that would probably not be aware of on a day to day basis.  Needless to say I have subscribed and look so forward to receiving Happinez once  quarter.

Here is a lovely short and simple article  from the last issue:

Your body tells you exactly what you need, but are you hearing it? Are you listening to the messages it sends? In our hectic lives, we usually let ourselves be guided by the clock and our busy schedules rather than by our body, our inner compass. We eat because it’s lunchtime, or simply because we always do. Try to feel, truly feel, if your stomach needs food – and not just filling. We often eat out of boredom or because we actually need something else like love, happiness, understanding, warmth or inspiration. Comfort food and snacks can be delicious once in a while, but obviously they don’t solve anything. Try this: sit down, relax, close your eyes and try to figure out what you really need.

In Happinez ‘Moments of Clarity’ you can read more valuable insights that can help you live a healthy and energetic life.


Dr Pia